Extrovert / Introvert

Location: Toronto, Ontario
Type: Public Art Competition
Status: Design Completed 2019 in collaboration with Dillon Pranger

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Extrovert / Introvert is a design proposal for the Winter Stations competition in Toronto. We were tasked with designing a temporary winter art installation incorporating an existing lifeguard tower on Woodbine beach. In response to the competition's theme Beyond the Five Senses, Extrovert / Introvert offers two unique experiences of engagement.

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The Extrovert activates the senses and encourages multiple individuals to interact with it simultaneously. The Extrovert offers visitors a variety of perspectives into the surrounding context, but also potential views of other participants. The tubular structures will also amplify sound as the wind strength and direction changes.

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The Introvert suppresses multiple senses by allowing one individual visitor inside of the structure at a time, creating a moment of privacy. The Introvert masks all sounds through acoustic paneling applied to the interior of the structure, deadening the users senses. Thus leaving the visitor to rely on limited views out into the environment through prescribed windows located within the structure. Each window offers a unique perspective of the surrounding context. 

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